African Garden + photography

Bloom Day January 2011
Oxalis triangularis subsp. papilionaceae 'Atropurpurea' a/k/a Oxalis regnellii

Welcome to the first Bloom Day of the new year. Bloom Day is the monthly showing of what's happening (or not happening) in the garden that Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, hosts. As there is snow on the ground and the temperatures have been in the 20sF/-6C all week, nothing visible is happening out in the garden. Thank goodness for oxalis, which has been blooming continuously inside. The above image might be my entry in this month's Gardening Gone Wild photo contest, Macro in a Mason Jar, judged by photographer/philosopher David Perry. I say might, because it's not exactly what I wanted to do, but I've lost my point and shoot camera (it's somewhere in the house). If I find it before the deadline, I'll do a better image. This image was shot with my DSLR, for which I do not have a macro lens.

Happy Bloom Day!