African Garden + work


In music, the beat 1-2, 1-2 signifies "cut time," meaning the music goes twice as fast as standard 4/4 time. During the holidays, it feels like we're living in cut time. Even when life returns to a regular schedule, we often are rushing through it, trying to meet all the demands of work, family and life.

I'm not one to indulge in resolutions, but wouldn't it be wise to attempt, starting right now, to change the pace, to get out of the mad spiral of cut time and instead to live more deliberately, to organize our time to get the most out of it, to slow down to enjoy the people and things that bring us joy? My plan is to address things promptly, rather than let things slide into "later." With less things hanging about in my mental inbox, I'll have fewer things clogging up my brain and my creativity. At least it's worth a try. I'm starting this morning with winter sowing. I already have two milk jugs filled with potting soil sitting on the back step, ready to go.

May this new year bring you joy.