African Garden + woodland wildflowers

If Ever I Would Leave You...
Cornus alternifolia

Winter is the time for Northern gardeners to dream, not just about plants, but about garden visits. I'm getting my plans together for the 2012 Garden Bloggers' Fling in Asheville, NC, in May. That's right, May. As I've repeatedly stated, it takes a heck of a lot to get me to leave my garden in May when the Woodland Garden is at its peak of beauty.

The Woodland Garden at peak bloom, with Phlox divaricata, Dicentra, Dodcatheon media, and Stylophorum diphyllum

Asheville must be pretty special to achieve that. I've never been there, but I've wanted to go, for there is a thriving artist community there. I've also wanted to see Biltmore, but neither of these things could possibly entice me to go in May. There's only one thing compelling me: I'll get to see Christopher's mountaintop woods Outside Clyde, filled with blooming spring ephemerals.

As you probably don't recall, it was Christopher who stumbled across me having my "moment" in the woods surrouding the Shadracks' house in upstate New York during the Buffa10 Fling. But the woods in summer, or even fall just don't compare to the splendor of the woods in bloom in spring.

Mertensia virginica (bluebells) Trout Park, Elgin, IL

I'm sure there will be plenty of woodland native wildflowers to enjoy in Asheville in May, such as redbuds (Cercis canadensis),

Thalictrum thalictroides a/k/a Anemonella thalictroides (rue anemone)

and Trillium.

Even if you're not the huge woodland wildflower fan that I am, the Asheville Fling promises to be a good time, with plenty of great gardens and fun people with whom to share them. While it's great to enjoy our own gardens, sometimes it's good to go beyond to seek new inspiration. Come to Asheville and walk in the woods with me.

This post is part of Wildflower Wednesday, hosted by Gail of Clay and Limestone.