African Garden + winter

The Most Exciting Day of the Gardening Year

Hah! Winter, you've overstayed your welcome, it's time to pack your bags and hit the road. You've punished us all enough, and your grip is now broken. The snowdrops are finally blooming.

Galanthus elwesii
I'm certain that had they not been covered with snow, other snowdrops would have been blooming before today. The one in the photo sprouted later than others that were buried by snow earlier in the week. This isn't the latest that a snowdrop has first spread its petals (in 2008, that didn't happen until March 5th), but it's more than two weeks later than last year. The witch hazel (Hammamelis) is ready to bloom also, with color showing in the buds, waiting for a warm day. But if all that wasn't exciting enough, check this out:

yes, leaf buds have formed on the Clematises and it's nearly time to prune them. So off you go Winter, I understand that there is an opportunity opening up very soon for you in Australia. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Even if there are more blizzards to come before the snow is finally gone, I won't care because I have flowers in bloom in my garden.

Have you seen any signs of spring coming to your garden?