Happy February Bloom Day! And it is a happy one for me, as it is a rare treat to have blooms outdoors here at Squirrelhaven for February 15th. The only other time I posted outdoor blooms for February was in 2009. As is evident from the shot of the witch hazel, the weather has returned to near normal this past week with snow not once, but twice. Not much snow, but it is good to see some to give these pictures a wintry feel. By this afternoon, however, the snow will probably all be gone, as the highs for today and the next week are fore casted to reach above the freezing point.
In addition to the Hamamelis, Galanthus elwesii is in full bloom.
There are several good stands of the giant snowdrop scattered about the woodland garden, but the squirrels appear to dislike the idea of them growing in front of the sculpture. I'm happy to report the replanted bulb in full bloom appears to be no worse for the experience.
On a personal note, I apologize to all the wonderful garden bloggers whose posts I should be reading but haven't had time lately. Jury duty and a major project have been occupying my time, but I promise, come April, I will be eager to indulge in one of my favorite indoor pastimes, reading about others' triumphs and tribulations in the garden.
This year Squirrelhaven is living up to Elizabeth Lawrence's quote about having something blooming every month of the year. Visit her devotee Carol at May Dreams Gardens to find a list of all the Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day posts.