African Garden + time

Requiem for a Hosta

Last summer I planted Hosta 'Striptease' in my garden. I had been wanting Hosta 'Risky Business,' a sport of 'Striptease,' for a long time. I have not gotten it because it was too expensive. (I have a hard time paying $30 for a few leaves.) I found 'Striptease' for a reasonable price at a local nursery, so I bought it. This plant has grown on me (pardon the pun) throughout the summer, especially for it's long bloom time. I was a little disappointed in the leaf coloration, but I put that down to the plant's immaturity, reasoning that it would probably color up better next year. Then, I started lurking on the Hosta forum at Gardenweb and learned the horrible truth - my 'Striptease' has the dreaded Hosta Virus X!!

Last summer I had never heard of Hosta Virus X (HVX), but, according to the Hostaholics on Gardenweb, 'Striptease' is particularly prone to it. HVX will not kill the plant or ruin its flowers, but it discolors the leaves along the veins with what looks like runny green ink stains. I dashed out to garden to look. Sure enough, my plant exhibits symptoms of HVX. This virus is quite easily spread via infected leaves or roots contaminating pruners, which, if not disinfected, will pass the virus to another Hosta. There is no cure for HVX; infected plants must be destroyed.
I will not be getting another 'Striptease.' I'm afraid to get 'Risky Business' for fear that, as a sport of Striptease,' it may also be susceptible to HVX. I guess I'll just have to search for a similar, but unrelated, cultivar.
Time to shovel prune 'Striptease.' Requiem Aeternam. Libera Me de Hosta Virus X.