African Garden + time

End of the Month View -September09

While I have wanted to join Cindy of From My Corner of Katy with her weekly garden views, I haven't been able to get it together. Helen, The Patient Gardener, has been showing end of the month views of her garden. I think I can manage a once a month post of such views, as I usually take such photos around the beginning of the month anyway. Above is the front mini-prairie. The looming tree, a Cottonwood, has already lost more than half its leaves.Around back, the view from the patio looking north to the woodland garden.

Standing by the gate into the woodland garden,

and the view back.

Overhead shot from the playset.

Looking back towards the playset this morning.

Yesterday, with the Heptacodium miconioides full of pink bracts.

It's all still pretty green, but that will change rapidly now that the nighttime temperatures have fallen and the sunshine has returned.