African Garden + Rose

The Truth About Heptacodium miconiodes
Heptacodium miconiodes flower and calyx

This is for Rose of Prairie Rose's Garden, who is considering getting a Heptacodium miconiodes, or seven-sons flower. As with all of the posts in "The Truth About" series, this is truth as it pertains to my garden.

I do love the tree, but it has a problem. It was in full bloom, looking its best, but then I saw this:

That branch is dead for no apparent reason. Clearly, this was a recent death, as there are dried buds on it. That isn't the first large branch to die this season.

The large hole is where a huge branch died. I don't know if the tree has a disease, as it otherwise appears healthy. I can cut out the dead wood and overlook the holes in the silhouette, as the merits of the tree outweigh the imperfections.