African Garden [Search results for spring flowers]
Spring Full Throttle: April Bloom Day
Supersize It
March Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: Spring Strikes Back
It Always Snows in April: Last Week at Squirrelhaven
All My Aquilegias
April Bloom Day (Now With Ephemerals!)
Closer to the Earth
After the Freeze -October Bloom Day
Yes, There Actually are Things in Bloom in July
Bloom Day: October 2008
It's a Blooming Party in the Garden
Spring Begins: March Bloom Day
The Best Virtually Unknown Native Shade Garden Plant*
Squirrelhaven in the Fall
Beauty & the Barrel
The Gardening Year In Review: Underachievers
The Last Garden Chore
The Rose
This Week at Squirrelhaven
The Deserted Island Plant List