African Garden + plants

Houseplant Census Results

'Lydia' Tulips in full bloom with 'Blue Jacket' Hyacinth

The numbers are in, the plants counted, the numbers crunched, the results analyzed from The Great Houseplant Census of 2010. I wish to emphasize that this is all very unscientific, and I have rounded numbers, so this is just a general idea. Also, I relied on the honor system; I didn't go to anyone's house and count up the plants. I had to exclude the data from Mr. Subjunctive at Plants Are the Strangest People (no offense meant), because his count of 800 would have seriously skewed the results. I'm sorry, Mr. Subjunctive, but your plant collection is an aberration. (And I mean that in the best possible way.)
And now, drumroll please, the results: The average number of houseplants is 34. The median number is 79, and the mode is as follows:

  • 13 people had fewer than 5 plants
  • 12 people had between 11 and 19 plants
  • 9 people had between 20 and 30 plants
And now for the really interesting data: for 4th place 7 people reported having over 90 plants. The rest fall somewhere in between. I guess that means once people have more than 30 plants, they just keep getting more and more. So for all of you with between 30 and 90 plants, quit trying to fight it and just go out and buy some more now and get it over with.
Aside from Mr. Subjunctive, the gardener with most plants is, not surprisingly, Kylee of Our Little Acre with 157. I wish I had a prize to send you, but having that many houseplants is its own reward. Second place goes to the late entry of Christine Guth, who has 142. A surprising third goes to someone who claims not be a houseplant person, Kim from A Study in Contrasts, with only 30 less than Kylee. What else do Kim and Kylee have in common? They both garden in Ohio. The data indicates that gardeners in the North tend to have more houseplants than those in the South. Bucking that trend is Annie in Austin with over 40 plants, including one of the oldest, a 36 year old Jade plant. The oldest plant award (if there were one) would go to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her 38 year old passalong night-blooming cereus.
So what does this mean for me, with my fewer than average number of houseplants? All I can say is that when I told VIS (Very Indulgent Spouse) the average number, he just said "That's a lot of plants." Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you all had as much fun as I did.