African Garden + time

Illinois' State Flower & April Muse Day

Good-by My Winter Suit
Good-by my winter suit,
good-by my hat and boot,
good-by my ear protecting muffs
and storms that hail and hoot.
Farewell to snow and sleet,
farewell to Cream of Wheat,
farewell to ice-removing salt
and slush around my feet.
Right on! to daffodils,
right on! to whippoorwills,
right on! to chirp-producing eggs
and baby birds and quills.The day is on the wing,
the kite is on the string,
the sun is where the sun should be --
it's spring all right! It's spring!N.M. Bodecker

Carolyn Gail at Sweet Home & Garden Chicago is the host of Garden Bloggers' Muse Day, where a listing of all the April Musings can be found.

Several garden bloggers in Canada and the U.S. have written posts about their State or Provincial flower. I have decided to join in the fun.

The State flower of Illinois is the Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus).

Photo courtesy of yakfur.
That this is the State flower of Illinois is particularly apt. Skunk cabbage grows in slippery places, and its stench of corruption so perfectly mirrors what has been going on for a long time in so many units of government in Illinois from the State level (former Governor George Ryan's corruption conviction and the current corruption trial of Tony Rezko) on down (nepotism in the reign of King Stroger II of Crook Cook County and FBI investigations with names like "Operation Silver Shovel" and "Operation Greylord").