African Garden [Search results for Symphyotrichum laeve Bluebird]
Pinched "Asters"
Last Wildflower Standing
More Than Just Mums: October 2010 Bloom Day
Supersize It
It's Not a Yellow Lady Bug
Bloom Day October '12
The Grand Finale: Foliage Followup
After the Freeze -October Bloom Day
A Glorious October Bloom Day
November 2010 Bloom Day: The Fat Lady Has Taken The Stage
The Best of 2010*
Buona sera, garden, goodnight.
I Notice These Things: Three for Thursday
Unexpected Visitors
The Golden Afternoon Garden
I've Had Some Diem to Carpe
If There Are "Asters," It Must Be September
The Tough Keep Going: November Bloom Day
Awakening: March Foliage Followup
I've Got A Really Big Aster