African Garden + time

From the DAISNAID* file: How Not to Train a Dogwood

Rosemarie, of Rosemarie's Garden, and I both bought a 'W. Stackman' (Golden Shadows) Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) at the Morton Arboretum sale last year and we each planted them in our gardens. She recently reported on the state of her Dogwood here. Hers looks like a tree. Mine looks like a mess (it even has a broken branch).

A groundcover shrub was not what I had in mind. But did I do anything to train or shape this little shrub? Of course not.

Clearly, I have been neglecting mine and it's time for some radical pruning. And here is the finished product.

Ahh, much better now. Rule of thumb for training young shrubs, prune early, prune often.
*DAISNAID is an acronym for Do As I Say, Not As I Do