African Garden [Search results for October flowers]
Bloom Day: October 2008
Squirrelhaven in the Fall
It's A Bittersweet Symphony
After the Freeze -October Bloom Day
Wildflower Wednesday: The ex-Asters
Bloom Day October '12
It's Not a Yellow Lady Bug
'09 Best of the Garden - New Additions
Schizachyrium 'Carousel', a better little bluestem
Garden Blogger's Muse Day - October '07
October 2007 Bloom Day
Drought Chronicles: What Looks Good Now
Signs and Portents
That Was Then
Did I Say I Didn't Like Orange?
A Christmas Miracle for Bloom Day
An Overwintering Experiment
The Smooth Blue Aster
If There Are "Asters," It Must Be September
A Star Among Asters*