African Garden [Search results for autumn flowers]
Squirrelhaven in the Fall
The Deserted Island Plant List
Frost and the Autumn Garden
The Return of Foliage Friday
Signs and Portents
I've Got A Really Big Aster
The Eagerly Anticipated (by Me at Least) May Bloom Day 2008*
After the Freeze -October Bloom Day
The Truth About Japanese Anemones
The Gardening Year In Review: Underachievers
Did I Say I Didn't Like Orange?
It's A Bittersweet Symphony
The Quiet Entry of Autumn
So Bright, It Can Be Seen From Space
Foliage Followup: May 2010
Little Class on the Prairie
The Grand Finale: Foliage Followup
The Truth About Praire Smoke a/k/a Geum triflorum
The Relativity of Time
Color in the Midwestern Winter Garden is Not an Oxymoron