African Garden [Search results for plants for drought]
Preparing for the Worst-case Scenario
Blog Action Day
Taking the Heat (and Drought) and Settling into the Kitchen
The Journal
The Year of Blooming Trees & Shrubs
Midsummer Malaise
Defiant Beauty: July '12 Bloom Day
Shady Ladies of Summer: Lilies and Daylilies
The Five-Year Blogaversary
Earth Day 2009
Schizachyrium 'Carousel', a better little bluestem
In Defense of Forsythia
More Than Just Mums: October 2010 Bloom Day
A "Feeling English" August Bloom Day
An Overwintering Experiment
I am no longer feeling the shame
Three for Thursday: Outstanding Hostas
Ennui's Got Me or I am Half-sick of Summer
The Secret of My Success with Hostas
The Truth About Praire Smoke a/k/a Geum triflorum