African Garden [Search results for Helleborus niger]
Hellebore Mania is Imminent: Last Week at Squirrelhaven
Hellebores, Hepatica & Hammamelis: Last Week at Squirrelhaven
A Great Disappointment
Spring Full Throttle: April Bloom Day
Spring Begins: March Bloom Day
I Hereby Declare It Spring
Awakening - March Bloom Day
Happy Box-ing Day
Lo, how a hellebore e'er blooming!
All New! Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
Spring Slightly Delayed Bloom Day - April 2008
Lo, How a Rose Ain't Blooming - a December Muse
It's a Blooming Party in the Garden
A Snowy Saturday
Spring Fling: the 1st Meeting of the Garden Club of the 21st Century
Garden Blogger's Bloom Day January 2008
The Eagerly Anticipated (by Me at Least) May Bloom Day 2008*