African Garden [Search results for dead plants]
The Great Houseplant Census of 2010
The Lazarus Plants
Don't Be Too Quick to Plant in That "Empty" Space!
Yes, There Actually are Things in Bloom in July
Why I Garden - Revisited
The Dead Zone
Ennui's Got Me or I am Half-sick of Summer
And Where Are the "Asters"? -Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, September 2010
The Year of Blooming Trees & Shrubs
Three Sad Things For Thursday*
Chicago Flower and Garden Show: Through the Looking-Glass
It's A Bittersweet Symphony
When a Gardener Hosts a Party
A "Feeling English" August Bloom Day
Deep Thoughts on Gardening
March Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: Spring Strikes Back
Take a Walk on the Wild Side
Don't Panic: a lesson from the garden
Taking Plant Evaluations With a Grain of Salt
Blue, White, Yellow & a Touch of Pink: Last Week at Squirrelhaven